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来源: 文学语言汇 时间:2024-05-10
1、后来我还了你自由,撤出了有你的生活。 Later, I gave you freedom and withdrew from your life. 2、我有一瓢酒,可以慰风尘。 I have a scoop of wine to soothe the wind and dust. 3、物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流。 When things are right and people are wrong, stop everything and let your tears flow first. 4、离开你真的真的很难过,但又不得不离开。 It's really sad to leave you, but I have to. 5、别回头看,身后万千灯盏都不是归宿。 Don't look back. All the lights behind you are not home. 6、我们不在一个地方,请照顾好自己。 We are not in the same place, please take care of yourself. 7、爱情失去的这般快,我连备份都措手不及。 Love lost so fast, I even backup are unprepared. 8、我梦到哪里你都在,放不下你是我活该。 I dream where you are, I deserve not to let you go. 9、世界真的很小,好像一转身,就不知道会遇见谁。 Turning around, it's like meeting someone in a small world. 10、总是感慨时间的无情,却没有发现自己的无义。 Always feeling the ruthlessness of time, but did not find their own nonsense. 11、他偶尔的关心,不是余情未了而是出于礼貌。 His occasional solicitude was not for the sake of affection, but for politeness. 12、分手的理由是假的,但分手是真的。 The reason for breaking up is false, but it's true. 13、假装对迩的关心视而不见,只是不想再次沉沦。 Pretend to be blind to your concern, just don't want to sink again. 14、我想写一出很悲的悲剧,里面充满了无耻的笑声。 I want to write the saddest tragedy, which is full of shameless laughter. 15、你有孤独和烈酒,愿你也有清风和自由。 You have loneliness and liquor. May you also have breeze and freedom. 16、愿无岁月可回首,并以深情共余生。 May there be no time to look back and spend the rest of your life with deep love. 17、如果想你会痛,我宁愿你也只是个浮云从未拥有。 If I think you will hurt, I would rather you are just a floating cloud, never have. 18、你不宣布我的身份,是在给谁留机会。 You're not announcing my identity. You're giving someone a chance. 19、故事都会结束,只是有人欢喜有人哭。 All stories will come to an end, but some people are happy and others are crying. 20、其实所有东西破碎了都无法弥补。尤其是感情。 In fact, everything is broken and can't be made up. Especially emotion. 21、生不逢时,所到之处皆是命数。 When life is not right, everything is destiny. 22、我有很多个梦想。每个梦想里都有你。 I have many dreams. You are in every dream. 23、很怕回忆突然翻滚,绞痛着不平息。 Most afraid of memories suddenly rolling, colic does not subside. 24、憋屈才是真的累,讲不清道不明。 It's really tiring to hold back. I can't explain clearly. 25、她再也没对我说晚安,我的失眠也再没好过。 She never said good night to me, and my insomnia never got better. 26、爱傻笑的人,心里都有着放不下的痛。 People who love to giggle have pain in their hearts. 27、我想给你全世界,却忘记了你需要的不是我。 I want to give you the world, but forget that you don't need me. 28、故事那头她还在等,说书人却合扇说从头。 At the other end of the story, she was still waiting, but the storyteller closed the door and said from the beginning. 29、即使前方都是陷阱,我也相信希望就在拐角。 Even if there are traps ahead, I believe hope is just around the corner. 30、我试着恨你,却想起你的笑容。 I try to hate you, but I think of your smile. 31、我想牵着你的手,走完属于我们的青春。 I want to hold your hand and finish our youth. 32、我以为你是我的终点,结果不过只是个转折点。 I thought you were my destination, but the result was just a turning point. 33、心痛了,停止了呼吸,就这样一切都结束了。 Heartache, stop breathing, so it's all over. 34、所有不被珍爱的人生,都应该高傲地绝版。 All lives that are not cherished should be out of print with pride. 35、情话多说一点,想我就多看一眼。 If you want to talk more about love, I'll see more. 36、就算没有结局,也会用力把你抱在怀里。 Even if there is no ending, I will hold you in my arms. 37、爱上一个不爱我的人,我能做的只有奉献。 Falling in love with someone who doesn't love me, all I can do is give. 38、喜欢他,我为什么没有快、只有痛苦。 Like him, why I have no fast, only pain. 39、爱这件小小事,仅仅是爱或许并不伟大。 Love this small thing, just love may not be great. 40、逝去的年华,流水般度过,逝去的永远不再回来。 The passing years are like flowing water. The passing years will never come back. 41、相思很痛苦,等待很折磨,离别很黯然。 Acacia is the most painful, waiting for the most torture, parting the most gloomy. 42、我生掷中的暖和本就未几,而你也仅此一次。 The warmth of my life is not much, and you are only this time. 43、宁愿在梦里从未见过,也不愿醒来后一人沉默。 I would rather never see it in my dream than be silent when I wake up. 44、该走的很终还是要走,虽然有千万个不舍。 The last thing to go is to go, although there are tens of millions of them. 45、过程很失败,结果很意外。 The process failed, and the result was unexpected. 46、我太容易骄傲,所以到很后一无所有的都是我。 I'm too proud, so it's me who has nothing in the end. 47、爱你没有原因,只需要有你一颗永远不变的心! There is no reason to love you, just need to have a heart that will never change! 48、你明明很孤独,却总说一个人很好。 You are very lonely, but always say a person is very good. 49、爱你是一场孤独的盛宴,难以收敛。 Love you is a lonely feast, difficult to restrain. 50、你把笑话讲的很悲伤,我把难过说的很幽默。 You told the joke very sad, I said sad very humorous.





